“Mommy Mommy!!! Get up!! ... Get away from me!!

There I was, lying on the floor gasping and flapping like a fish out of water unable to get up on my own…

What started as a beautiful mother-daughter afternoon walk to get ice cream... 

Turned into the kind of day that leaves a mark in your head and heart SO profound that it changes you forever.

And it was those 80 extra pounds of fat that clung to my body like an overly possessive lover, that held me down…

Leaving my daughter exposed to danger… feeling like she couldn’t count on her momma bear to protect her. 

That was the day I hit the lowest point of my life...

But it was also the day that led me down the path to discovering the exciting breakthrough I’m about to share with you…

A solution that helped me and thousands of women all over the country to free ourselves from the oppressive diet mindset…

Get in the BEST shape of our lives...

And regain our power and ability to take care of ourselves and our families.

My name is Lori Belanger and I’m 43 years old.

I’ve been married to the love of my life for almost 15 years, although it feels more like 7 because, for a large portion of our marriage, we have lived apart.

Mike travels for work a lot, and it’s left to me to hold down the fort with our two incredible children 11-year-old-trouble-maker Jake, and my almighty baby girl Sophia - who’s 8.

My children are the biggest source of joy, pride, and motivation in my life, but also my main priority...

So over the years, as every momma bear does, I’ve put their needs first, even at my own expense…

Which, of course, has had a major impact on all areas of my personal life…

But mostly on my weight. 

Food has been my best friend at times and, others, it’s been my worst enemy.

I struggled with my weight for as long as I can remember, but it went stratospheric about five years ago when Mike started traveling more, and I had to switch to a remote job to work from home and be there for the kids.

Before I knew it, my weight ballooned from 153 lbs to the very substantial 233 pounds... 

And I was no longer “chubby” or “fluffy” or “curvy” — I was F.A.T. ...fat!

I became a yo-yo dieter and tried EVERY diet imaginable…

Counting points, low cal, low fat...

All I EVER wanted was to get on that damn scale and see three numbers beginning with a 1 staring back at me

But no matter how hard I tried or how close I got, I could never make it back into “Onederland.”

It was until that afternoon I took Sophia for ice cream that this whole ‘losing weight thing’ took a completely different meaning...

And the course of our lives, and the lives of thousands of women across the country, was changed dramatically.

Sophia and I were walking towards our favorite ice cream place downtown as we do every Friday after school…

They only take cash, so we stopped by an ATM in a little alleyway two streets from the main square...

I took the cash, put it in my purse, and all of a sudden I felt this sharp thing on my back.I turned around and saw this 5’7 skinny dude with a hoodie breathing down my neck and holding a knife to my back.

“Give me the cash fatty,” he said.

Sophia let out a loud cry that startled him, so he yelled at her to shut up…

Which only made Sophia scream and cry even louder. 

I could tell the guy was losing his patience, so I desperately rummaged through my purse to find the money and give it to him…

All I wanted was for Sophia to stay safe and for him to go away…

“Shut that kid up!!,” he yelled…

And then proceeded to grab my shoulder and push me to the ground.

It wasn’t even a hard push, but it was enough for me to immediately lose my balance and end up like a floundering turtle on the floor, stuck on my back.

He bent down and very violently snatched my purse… 

And then…

Then I saw him turn to Sophia.

There are no words to express what I felt at that moment.

“What if he hurts her?!!! What if he takes her from me?!! 

All sorts of heart-ripping thoughts crossed my mind as I was trying SO hard to get up…

My baby needs me!

But I felt every single one of my 233 pounds pulling me down to the ground like a magnet on steroids…

I couldn’t get up.

I never felt more useless in my life.

Luckily, an older man saw everything happen from across the street and called the cops.

And as soon as he heard the police car sirens, he took off like a rocket. Sophia immediately ran towards me, wrapped her arms around me, and tried to pull me up to help me get up. 

My little girl, my innocent sweet child who I had sworn to protect from the very first second I held her in my arms, had to help her useless mother off the ground.

I started bawling uncontrollably as I realized what just happened.

I always saw myself as this big momma bear that could ferociously protect her cubs against anything…

But MY OWN unhealthy choices had turned me into a worthless sack of potatoes that couldn’t even protect herself…

Let alone my children.

Sure, I was incredibly thankful that we were both ok and all they took was money...

But I just couldn’t help but be overcome by this excruciating feeling that I had failed Sophia in the biggest way possible.

When we arrived home later that afternoon, I first called Mike to let him know what had happened…

I purposely skipped some of the details because...

Well, it was just too embarrassing.

Then I cuddled Sophia…

After what I’d just made her go through, it was hard to look her in the eye and reassure her that everything would be ok…

But that’s what I did anyway because that’s what good moms are supposed to do.

And then, as I always do whenever something bad happens in my life, I drowned my sorrows in food.I grabbed my two favorite “pick me up” snacks…

A family-size bag of Fritos and a sleeve of Oreo cookies and locked myself up in my room.

The next few days were very rough…

The thought, “You almost lost your daughter because you are fat” kept haunting me...

Every time I put a foot outside the door, my heart would start racing and my knees would shake like jelly…

It felt like everything and everyone was out there to get me.

I looked around the street and all I saw were these skinnier, healthier women with their children smiling, laughing, running around…

Just peacefully living life as if the world was LITERALLY their playground.

And then there was me, a wobbly, fat, anxious mess.

Arghhh, I wanted my life back so badly!

So Friday came along, and I gathered the courage to ask Sophia if she wanted to go get ice cream as we did every Friday before “THAT” happened…

But her usual “Yay!! Can I please get three scoops pleaaaseeee?” was replaced by words that still pierce my soul to this day...“Nooooo, I don’t want ice cream mommy… Ice cream makes you fat and weak…  I don’t want the bad man to hurt us!

When they say children are fully aware and absorbing everything that’s happening around them, they are NOT kidding.

The last thing I EVER wanted was to pass my fears and insecurities onto my daughter...

I want Sophia to know me as a healthy, strong, brave woman she can look up to and count on...

And not as someone who gives up and lives in fear, you know?

My dream is to see both of my children growing up into confident adults who fearlessly go after what they want in life…

And I needed to set the example. 

Little did I know, a few weeks later I would come face to face with the exciting breakthrough I’m about to share with you…

A natural solution that helped me drop those 80 lbs easier and faster than I ever imagined possible…

And completely transform both my body and my mind to become the mother and woman I always knew I could be.

One of my best friends, Deb, couldn’t shut up about this new diet she was following...

And how it was working better than ANYTHING else she had ever done before, blah, blah, blah...And she’d been trying REALLY hard to convince me to do it with her. 

So I called her up, and she very enthusiastically offered to set up an appointment for me to meet with the nutrition specialist she’d been raving about...

Apparently, he was this Stanford School of Medicine graduate who was doing amazing things in the fat loss field. 

The first time I met with Dr. Olson I have to admit...

I arrived wearing my armor of skepticism.

You see, the problem with me and diets is that, as soon as I start following one…

I feel as though somebody else's rules have been imposed on me, and it's just a matter of time before I become rebellious and screw things up.

So when Dr. Olson started talking about Keto, ketones, and the HUGE list of FORBIDDEN foods I had to memorize…

Because A SINGLE transgression, no matter how innocent, could kick me out of “ketosis” and ruin my progress…

I knew this diet wouldn’t be a long-term thing for me.

But I was determined to change my life, starting with my weight and health, so I decided to give it a shot.

Well… long story short, by day three a few slices of pineapple had found their way into my mouth…

And all my superhuman efforts to get into ketosis had been thrown out the window.


I went back to Dr. Olson’s office a few days after for my weekly check-in, and the first thing I did was confess my unfortunate run-in with the pineapple.

He didn’t seem that concerned and asked me to step on the scale...

To my surprise, I had lost 2 pounds!

Over the years, I found that if I eat even semi "normal," I don’t lose weight, so it was nice to see the scale go down...

But it still didn’t feel like a victory because of the INSANE amount of effort and sacrifice those 2 fallen pounds required.

But something was definitely working… 

And while my brain was saying, “no way we are sticking to this”...

My gut was telling me, “you are onto something, don’t give it the ax just yet!”

So I shared my story with Dr. Olson and the reason why I was there...

I told him that for once in my life, I wanted and NEEDED to succeed at a diet and break the cycle…

And then I gathered all my courage, stepped over my shame, and asked him if there was an EASIER way to do this...

“Yes, there is,” he replied.

My eyes must have gotten HUGE and my smile wide as a canyon because then he said...

“I don’t offer this Plan B to all of my patients because it’s taken me years of research and most of my savings to develop it...

And I have a very small supply.

So I save it for people who really struggle with diets but are determined to succeed. 

And you know what Lori, I want to help you. You seem like you genuinely want to change your life.”

He then stood up and opened up a cabinet behind his desk... Took out a little white bottle and handed it to me.

"Just take 1 capsule with each of your meals and forget about that list of forbidden foods. Try to keep a balanced diet as much as you can, but don’t worry too much about the occasional treat.”

My armor of skepticism was immediately back on…

This whole “here’s an amazing solution” thing sounded so hard to believe... And trust!

I’m not one of those naive people who blindly believes everything she’s told…

Or who pops pills “just because”...

I like to do my research and know what I am putting into my body.

“So what’s in the capsules?” I asked, a bit defensive at first. Dr. Olson picked up on my hesitation and proceeded to soothe my concerns by showing me the label and taking me through the ingredients.

He also spent some time talking about numerous scientific studies that had proven the safety and efficacy of those ingredients. 

Of course I am no health expert, so I wasn’t familiar with most of the things he mentioned…

But the passion and the logic that he was explaining them with was enough to put some of my doubts to rest.  

He then continued…

“You see, Lori, the reason why no diet has ever worked for you in the past is that... Due to the massive load of carbs in our foods these days…

You know, bread, potatoes, cereals, fruits, cookies, pasta, rice, sweets… Even dairy has carbs!

So because of the amounts of carbs you consume on a daily basis, your body has been conditioned to burn carbs for energy instead of fat.

And if your body isn’t using fat as energy, then it has no other choice but to store it away in different areas of your body…

Like you know, your arms, belly, and thighs...

And no matter how much you exercise or how balanced your diet is, as long as carbs are present in your body, the fat remains there, untouched. 

But the craziest part is that, in reality, fat is your body’s IDEAL source of energy...

Meaning your body REALLY, REALLY wants to use up your fat reserves for energy…

But it can’t do that because it pretty much forgot how.”

Hmm, ok, things were starting to make some sense now...

“That’s why the Keto diet is SO effective for most people...

Because by removing carbs from your diet, your body is FORCED to remember how to tap into the fat reserves in your body and burn them for fuel,” he said.

“Ok, I understand. But how are those capsules you just gave me going to help my body burn fat if I AM most definitely going to eat carbs?” I replied.

“Aha! That’s where our new best friend Beta-Hydroxybutyrate comes into play.

”My face went blank for a moment...“Hydrobu...what?!”

“Don’t worry, let’s call it BHB,” he smiled and continued to explain...

“So when your body runs low on carbs, it naturally produces this chemical called BHB to use as energy.

And as soon as you have the right amounts of BHB in your blood, you enter what’s known as “ketosis”...

Which, again, is that metabolic state where your body automatically switches from ‘burning carbs mode’ into ‘burning fat mode.’”

“Ok, so when I have enough BHB, my body will eat away the fat and pretend like the carbs aren’t even there?” I asked

“Yup, that’s pretty much it!”

Wow, it was like a whole new world had just opened up for me. And it just made SO MUCH SENSE!

“Now, erasing carbs from your diet isn’t the only way to get into “ketosis”, he said...

When you take these capsules with each of your meals, you are filling up your body with the right amounts AND right forms of BHB...

And you’ll trick your body into switching to “fat burning mode” without actually having to change your diet.”

He then took out this thick binder and showed me dozens and dozens of pictures of his clients who had taken the capsules with mind-blowing results…

Like Emma, who lost 55 lbs in less than 4 months and can now run around with her 2-year-old grandson without getting winded after a short time...

Megan T.
Verified Customer

And Oscar, who was on EIGHT different prescriptions and is now healthier than ever...

Megan T.
Verified Customer

And Martha, who’s down 43 lbs in three months and is off her insulin shots…

Megan T.
Verified Customer

It was SO inspiring to see and hear about all these people who probably, just like me, NEVER thought they would come out victorious in their quest to losing weight…

And are now living their lives as that healthier, invincible version of themselves…

Making every second they get to spend on this beautiful Earth count.

“Thanks, Dr. Olson. I’m ready to do this.”I went home that afternoon and had my very first capsule with my lunch…

And then took one with each of my meals the rest of the week.

I straight away noticed I was sleeping better, and my mood and energy had improved by leaps and bounds…

But when something THAT good happens so fast, the skeptic in me is very ready to be like, “it must be that placebo effect, right?” 

Well, it was exactly six days after when I got up as I normally do, took a shower, and put my favorite pair of jeans on…

You know, the kind that are so worn out they no longer suffocate your crotch or leave those red strangling marks on your belly pooch…

I put them on and immediately thought, “wow has it been WEEKS since I washed these bad boys?

Because they are baggier than ever!!”

A wave of joy took over me because, well, I was feeling so much better than I had in a long while...

Taking the capsules had been such a mindless thing to do that until I put my jeans on, I had actually forgotten I was on some sort of “diet.”

The day after, I went to Dr. Olson’s office and when I walked in he had this weird smirk on his face…

He asked me to step on the scale and as soon as I did, pardon my French, I yelled, “WTF!!”

I had lost 8 pounds, without making big changes to my normal “Lori” routine.

I was ecstatic! Like I was finally getting a fair chance in the fight…

And for once in my life, I was actually winning! 

Dr. Olson asked me if, besides the significant weight loss, I had experienced any other positive effects…A

nd I told him about having more energy, sleeping better, and that my anxiety was almost non-existent…

“Those are some of the positive side effects people see more often.

So glad it’s working so well for you Lori,” he said sounding almost like a proud dad.

I kept taking the capsules consistently for the next two weeks…

The pounds kept coming off like ice cream melting in the sun…

It was like my body had just rediscovered its love for consuming my fat, and it was obsessed with using it all up. 

I had my labs done and my blood work was better than it had been in YEARS.

I couldn’t believe the drop in cholesterol!

It was literally like a switch was flipped inside my body and it turned into this health-generating machine.

I seemed to have found something that ACTUALLY worked for me, and I knew this time, I would succeed!

Mike came home after a couple of weeks and when I opened the door for him and he saw me…

Without uttering a single word, his face said EVERYTHING.

He quickly dropped his luggage, swooped me up in his arms, and held me in a big bear hug…

“Lori, I’ve missed you so much!” he said with the nostalgia of two soulmates who hadn’t seen each other in years.

It was amazing to feel so fulfilled, SO proud…

And to see my progress reflected in my husband’s eyes. 

But something Sophia said a few days after hit home even harder…

She tapped my shoulder to get my attention away from the computer and said, “Mommy, can we go for ice cream? I am not afraid anymore,” and giggled as she skipped towards the door. 

I was getting my life back to where I wanted it to be, I was recovering my strength, my power, the confidence in myself I had lost a LONG time ago…

I was back to being the rock my family needed.

And to think that at first I hesitated to follow Dr. Olson’s advice!

But that was just the beginning...

I met with my friend Deb for coffee, and when I got off the Uber, I could see her jaw dropping from a mile away.

I walked towards where she was sitting, and the closer I got, the further her jaw dropped...

It was the most satisfying reaction one can possibly get!

You know when someone “discreetly” eyes you from head to toe, and you sense this mix of jealousy, admiration, and excitement?

Yeah, it was just like that.

Losing the pounds and inches with less effort than ever before…

✅ Having all day energy even when eating carb heavy meals...

✅ Feeling more confident and comfortable in your own skin everyday…

✅ And having friends, family and co-workers asking what your secret is…

“OMG Lori!!! You look AMAZING!”

I could tell she was annoyed and she proceeded to interrogate me on every single detail of what I’d been eating, how many calories, etc.

When I told her that I hadn’t changed my diet much, she could not believe her ears!!

She was about to storm off the table when I grabbed her shoulder and said...

“I shouldn’t be telling you this, but I feel like I owe you a big one. Ask Dr. Olson about his Plan B.”Deb immediately scheduled an appointment the next day and begged Dr. Olson to be let into “Plan B.”

He wasn’t too thrilled that I had told Deb about it but ultimately gave her the capsules.It didn’t take more than five days for Deb to call me squeaking on the phone because she couldn’t believe how fast the scale was moving. 

Seeing the amazing results we were getting and how much our lives were improving...

I started to feel like it was a bit unfair that more people couldn’t have access to Dr. Olson’s fat-shredding capsules.

So the next time I met with him... after weighing myself and seeing 12 lbs more gone…

I stepped down the scale and immediately asked...

“Don’t you feel like you have a responsibility to share this with more people?”

His face turned serious like this wasn’t the first time someone had asked him that…

“Lori, trust me, I’ve tried. Ever since my days at Stanford when I first started developing the formula, I’ve tried to find a bigger facility that will work with me to produce larger quantities…

But because I only use pure ingredients that are difficult to source, most manufacturers don’t want to go through the trouble.

They are only interested in profits and mass production, even if it means compromising quality. And I am not going to do that.”

I really respected that, for Dr. Olson, it was about bringing people REAL results without compromising their health...

But I also thought it was SO UNFAIR that because of the self-interest and greed of manufacturers in the health sector…

More people wouldn’t be able to experience what it’s like to live in a body that you love and trust…

Without having to submit yourself to oppressive diets and back-breaking exercise routines.

To be honest, I felt a bit guilty about it.So that night, I went home and vented to Mike…He was so impressed with the physical and emotional changes I had experienced that he agreed Dr. Olson’s fat-shredding formula had to get into the hands of more people.

And as every man does when a woman voices her troubles, Mike’s brain immediately went into trying to find a solution for me…

Ok, I must admit this particular time I was VERY thankful for his male brain though, lol

Mike works as a business consultant, and he remembered that a few years back, he met this guy who worked with health supplement manufacturers…

So he called him up, and the guy said he would do some digging and report back. 

The next day Mike got up to an email with contact information for six different manufacturers. 

Yay! Things were moving along!

I met with Dr. Olson and showed him the information I had, and told him I wanted to help him find the right facility to produce his formula.

I was committed to getting his fat-shredding capsules into the hands of more women and men who, just like me, REALLY needed them.

So after a LOT of convincing, he agreed and gave me his checklist of non-negotiables to find out if a manufacturer was the right fit.

I started calling them right away. The first company said the ingredients Dr. Olson used in his formula were too hard to source and too expensive…

And that they would be happy to help but only if they could replace the ingredients with generic ones...

That was a big NO-NO for Dr. Olson, so I crossed that facility off the list. 

The next two were not FDA-approved and didn’t have the quality certifications Dr. Olson required, so they were also a NO.

I was starting to lose hope…

But then I got on the phone with a woman from facility #4…

You know when you talk to someone, and from the second the conversation starts, you get this gut feeling that you can trust them…

And that your personal and professional missions align?

Well, turns out facility #4 was a family-owned facility that had all the right safety, health, and quality certifications...

But the coolest part is that the owners genuinely believed in our mission and wanted to support it…

They even said they couldn’t wait to try Dr. Olson’s capsules once they were available!

I had found the perfect facility.I arranged a meeting with the owners and Dr. Olson, and after several months of intensive planning, research, and testing...

LeptiThinMax was born, and my mission was accomplished!

Introducing LeptiThinMax- the ONLY formula that makes your body remember how to shred fat

✅ Help your body re-learn how to burn fat for energy instead of carbs
✅ Burn fat faster than you EVER have before, without punishing your body with strict diets or knee-buckling exercise routines.
✅ Enjoy your favorite treats without any guilt or shame while effortlessly losing pound after pound of fat.
✅ Feel motivated and energized throughout the day Improve your mental clarity and focus
✅ Regain your strength so you can trust your body again

Not only were there 80 pounds less of me and I had recovered my health, confidence, and self-love…

But now, women all over the country had access to the formula that changed my life and they would soon change theirs too!

Listen, if you are anything like I used to be, you often visualize yourself reaching your goals and doing all the things you do in your life…

Except in a better body.You think dozens of times, every single day, about what it would feel like to love and be proud of every single piece of who you are...

You've thought about the impact reaching your goals would have on you and those around you…

And trust me, it has the CRAZIEST impact.

But you are also sick and tired of the “I just failed at another diet and gained back all I lost AND MORE” vicious cycle.

Diet after diet, plan after plan, those things are too restrictive…

You do not want to have to starve yourself, count calories, or have to exile foods from your life to keep to a weight EVER again.

And I know sometimes it feels like you need a sign or something major to happen to get you motivated enough to make that change…

But I really don’t want you to have to go through something big, like a health scare or some sort of trauma, as I did... 

For you to finally take action and change your life.

So take this as “THE sign” that LeptiThinMax is the solution you’ve been waiting for.

Claim Your Discounted Package - While Supplies Last

Ultimate Discount Package

6 Bottles

6-Month Supply


+FREE USA Shipping

TOTAL: $894 $234

1 Bottle

1-Month Supply


+$9.99 Shipping

TOTAL: $149 $68.99

3 Bottles

3-Month Supply


+FREE USA Shipping

TOTAL: $447 $147

LeptiThinMax has the right amounts AND right forms of BHB that helps your body remember how to burn fat for energy…

Drop pound after pound without you having to follow all those limiting rules that make your life miserable.

Because let’s be honest, sooner or later, you’ll be beating yourself up because you broke those rules, and you are back to where you started or even worse.  

No matter your age, weight, gender, or what you’ve tried before…

So well, in fact, that you’ll start to see a difference before you know it. 

By the second day, your mood improves and the stress and anxiety you’ve been carrying on your shoulders dissipate...

You feel so energized, clear-headed, and ready to take on whatever life throws your way.

By the fourth day, the bloating is gone, your tummy is flat, and your digestion is moving more smoothly…

And those ruthless cravings that pushed you off the wagon so many times before are under control!

By the sixth day, you start to see the scale go down, and with each day that passes, more and more fat melts off your body.

It feels like your wardrobe dramatically expands because you are able to start wearing some of those clothes from your “when I lose weight” pile.  

But what I like the most about LeptiThinMax is that…

Because of its unique formulation, including the purest form of BHB, it is VERY easy to continue your progress without fearing the “bounce back” like with most diets.And, well, BHB is just the foundation…

This fat-shredding formula is packed with many other health-boosting nutrients!

Dr. Olson knew that getting the right amounts of BHB into your system was enough to turn on your body’s natural fat-burning power…

But during his time at the Stanford School of Medicine, he discovered that combining the right forms of BHB and adding a few extra nutrients not only made his formula 10 times more efficient than any other formula out there...

But it also made it so much better for your overall health.

What are the health-boosting heroes in LeptiThinMax?

The First Health-Boosting Hero is…


MCT POWDER or Medium-Chain Triglycerides (MCT) are easily-digested fatty acids found in many nutritious foods such as coconuts.

Studies have shown that MCT powder helps keep your cravings under control and promotes weight loss, especially around the waist area.

It’s also a fantastic energy source and brain function booster.

The Second Health-Boosting Hero is…


MAGNESIUM BETA-HYDROXYBUTYRATE known as BHB bonded to magnesium - an essential nutrient that plays several critical roles in the health of your body and brain. It helps reduce insulin resistance, boosts muscle performance, fights stress, depression, and other mental disorders, and lowers blood pressure and inflammation.

The Third Health-Boosting Hero is…


CALCIUM BETA-HYDROXYBUTYRATE which is BHB bonded to a calcium ion - a mineral that’s crucial to building and maintaining strong bones and keeping your heart, muscles, and nerves properly functioning.

The Fourth Health-Boosting Hero is…


SODIUM BETA-HYDROXYBUTYRATE a BHB bonded to sodium - the body uses sodium to control blood pressure, PH levels, and water retention.

By adding this breakthrough formula to your daily routine, you will…

Help your body re-learn how to burn fat for energy instead of carbs
Burn fat faster than you EVER have before, without punishing your body with strict diets or knee-buckling exercise routines.
Enjoy your favorite treats without any guilt or shame while effortlessly losing pound after pound of fat.
Feel motivated and energized throughout the day 
Improve your mental clarity and focus
Regain your strength so you can trust your body again

And the best part is that LeptiThinMax takes away all the power food has over us and turns it into something we can enjoy again.

No more shame or guilt over the delicious piece of cheesecake or the pizza you ordered for family game night...

No more counting points or sweating over your public weigh-in...

No more feeling trapped in a never-ending cycle of deprivation and No-No foods...

No more wondering if your body is broken and thinking of yourself as this overweight lost cause…

With LeptiThinMax - YOU ARE FREE!

You see, the secret to long-term weight loss and REAL change is understanding the basic fundamentals and principles so you can hack the process…

And now you do. 

But even better, not only are you aware of what WORKS…

Claim Your Discounted Package - While Supplies Last

Ultimate Discount Package

6 Bottles

6-Month Supply


+FREE USA Shipping

TOTAL: $894 $234

1 Bottle

1-Month Supply


+$9.99 Shipping

TOTAL: $149 $68.99

3 Bottles

3-Month Supply


+FREE USA Shipping

TOTAL: $447 $147

You are one of the few lucky people to have this proven solution, right here, at the tips of your fingers.

Remember how I told you that because of the quality and purity of the ingredients used in LeptiThinMax, Dr. Olson could only manufacture very limited quantities?

Well, quality isn’t something he will EVER compromise, so in order to keep sourcing just the purest ingredients, the facility is still producing very small batches.

But, just like Dr. Olson picked me as one of the people he wanted to help because he saw I was genuinely committed to changing my life...

By listening this far you have proven that you are just as committed and eager to change your life too…

So I’m picking you to be one of the 152 people who can get LeptiThinMax this month...

… but you must click below and act now before we run out of stock!

151 people...

Remember how I told you that because of the quality and purity of the ingredients used in LeptiThinMax, Dr. Olson could only manufacture very limited quantities?

Well, quality isn’t something he will EVER compromise, so in order to keep sourcing just the purest ingredients, the facility is still producing very small batches.

I really don’t want you to have to wait until the next batch is produced.Listen, my physical health made me feel unsafe, threatened, and incapable of taking care of my children…

And I don’t want you or other women out there feeling the same way.

Especially now that I know what it’s like to be on the other side…

What it’s like to feel REALLY good about myself…

And to feel confident and safe.

So I really want you to have the opportunity to get LeptiThinMax today and start your progress asap.

As long as you are one of the first 152 people who click below and order right now… You will receive your LeptiThinMax supply in the mail in just a few days.

And before you know it you will be looking back at this day and be both shocked and inspired by the difference a few weeks can make. 

But act quickly, because the word about LeptiThinMax is spreading and, as it’s happened in the past, this batch will be snapped up in no time.

If anyone told me I would lose 80 lbs this quickly and keep the weight off, I’d call B.S…

I mean, I used to be the TRUE queen of yo-yo dieting!

So if LeptiThinMax worked for me to break the cycle and finally experience long-term weight loss… 

I know it will work for you too…

Especially if you stick with it until you reach your goals. 

You see, within the first month your pants will start to fall off and you’ll have to go shopping because your old clothes will feel too baggy…

Your skin will be clear and glowing, and your gut happy…

But the best part is that you will have rediscovered your zest for life and inner strength that you’d been missing so much.

Within three months, people won’t stop asking you to share your secret and complimenting you on how AMAZING and happy you look…

And after six months, you are going to find yourself saying, “I’ve never felt better” in almost every conversation…

And you will look back to today and be shocked by how different your life, AND your family’s life, is now that you’ve given yourself the chance to be free and happy.  

But listen, if you are still a bit on the fence about whether LeptiThinMax will work for you, I understand…

I mean, when Dr. Olson first told me about it, I had my doubts too…

But I feel SO damn lucky that I trusted my gut and took a chance on the solution that would eventually change my life... 

That I want to help remove any barriers keeping you from your goals… 

And make your decision even easier.

So if you aren’t completely amazed by the results you get with LeptiThinMax…

Dr. Olson has promised to offer you a 90 Day Money Back guarantee.

That means if you aren’t happy with what you see and feel, you can reach out to LeptiThinMax’s support team within 90 days of purchasing…

And they will give you a full refund, no questions asked.

Yup, Dr. Olson is willing to take ALL the risk off your shoulders and put it on his instead…

That’s how much he believes in his formula and the massive impact it will have on your life. 

Sounds good?

Then go ahead and place your order by clicking on the six-month, three-month, or one-month options below. 

You’ll be taken to the order form where you will be able to enter your payment details and complete your order. 

I asked Dr. Olson to give you a larger discount for the 6-month supply so you can stock up now before we run out of this batch!

Remember, you risk absolutely NOTHING when you try LeptiThinMax today.

I saw the most significant changes a few short weeks later…

But it was the fact that I didn’t stop there and kept going, that allowed me to be where I am today…

80 lbs lighter and mentally and physically stronger than ever.

You see, just as your body gradually gets stronger and healthier, so will your mind.

Soon, it will be next to impossible for life to knock you out.

Sure, you might get knocked down once in a while because we all do… 

But getting up will be a lot easier. 

That’s why the last thing I want is for you to start seeing these life-changing results…

And then unexpectedly run out of capsules and have to delay your progress until we can produce the next batch. 

It’s of course totally up to you, but if you are able to get the 6-month supply, I would highly recommend that you do.

So click below now to secure your LeptiThinMax supply while you still can.

Now, if there’s that little voice in your head still making you doubt yourself and your choices…

You know, that misleading voice that tells you that you can't do something or that you will surely fail…

Then let me do one more thing for you to silence it and keep it from sabotaging your happiness again.

I know people say, “don’t give up until you become the person you dream of being,” and that’s something I’ve tried hard to instill in my children…

But over the past several years, before that scary thing happened with Sophia and before I met Dr. Olson…Giving up is all I did. And what finally did it for me was ‘ME DOING IT FOR ME’…

And for my daughter... And for YOU!I think that, because of the busy lives we’ve created for ourselves, we often lose sight of our true priorities.

But how can health, family, safety, and happiness not be high up on that list? The fact of the matter is, they are - for all of us.

But it's very easy to let fears and other meaningless things take precedence and keep you from living your best life.

For me, it was simple.

I want to feel great about myself to be a good role model for Sophia and Jake…

I want to be a mom that can keep up with her children and enjoy every precious second I get to spend with them…

I want my family to feel safe and know they can count on their momma bear to protect them and guide them…

And sure, I also want to look and feel AMAZING for years and years to come!

So what is it for you?

Being indecisive about what you want can be absolutely devastating.

You can have the biggest dreams and goals, but if you don’t take action right away, then NOTHING will change…

The struggle will continue, and you’ll live a life full of regrets and “what-ifs.” 

So my advice to you can be summed up in a single sentence:

Decide what you want and WHY you want it and attack it full steam ahead.

And if what you want is to have a body that you can be proud of…

And that allows you to set a good example, live the life you want, and do the things you love the most…

Don’t waste another minute…

Click the button below right now and get LeptiThinMax in your corner.

Remember, you are covered by a 90 day Money Back Guarantee…

So you risk absolutely nothing. I’m SO very excited for you and can’t wait to hear all about your success and the beautiful things that will happen for you very soon. 

You are no longer alone. 

Lori Belanger

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much LeptiThin Max should I order?

Research suggests that taking LeptiThin Max consistently for at least 90 to 90 days delivers the best results. The longer and more regularly you use LeptiThin Max, the greater the benefits you’ll see. That’s why we highly recommend taking advantage of our top-value 90-day supply, or our nearly as popular 90-day discounted package. We can only offer this special pricing today or until our limited stock runs out, and our current supply is moving quickly. The truth is, we guarantee you won’t find LeptiThin Max at a better price than today, making the 90 to 180-day supply the smartest choice.

Is LeptiThin Max safe?

LeptiThin Max is completely natural, safe, and effective. Thousands of people take LeptiThin Max daily with zero reported side effects. Unlike invasive weight loss shots, LeptiThin Max offers a safe alternative with its 100% natural, vegetarian, gluten-free, and non-GMO formula. This formula is proudly made in the United States of America from the finest foreign and domestic ingredients. While LeptiThin Max is designed to be safe for everyone, it’s always a good idea to consult your doctor if you have any medical concerns.

Will LeptiThin Max work for me?

To give you a realistic idea, consider the evidence: in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study, participants using Beta-Hydroxybutyrate (BHB) supplements alongside a low-carb diet lost significantly more weight than those on a placebo. In one study published by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), participants taking BHB saw an average loss of 8-10 pounds in just 8 weeks. Another study highlighted that BHB supplements helped users increase fat oxidation and maintain ketosis more effectively, leading to steady fat loss of 1-2 pounds per week after the initial rapid phase. When combined with a ketogenic diet, BHB can accelerate fat loss, making it possible to lose around 15-20 pounds over 12 weeks without shots or their potential long-term side-effects. These findings illustrate how BHB can be a powerful addition to a weight loss regimen, especially when paired with a supportive diet and consistent use.

How fast will I receive my order of LeptiThin Max?

We’ll deliver your LeptiThin Max order straight to your doorstep or workplace using a top-tier carrier like FedEx or UPS. For customers in the US or Canada, your package should arrive within 5 to 7 business days. International shipments usually take between 8 to 15 business days, depending on customs processing. Expedited shipping options are also available!

Is this a one-time purchase or will I be billed again later?

This is a one-time payment only, with no auto-ship program involved. There are absolutely no hidden charges or subscription fees. We're confident you'll be satisfied with our product and will reorder LeptiThinMax before you run out (we’ll even send you a reminder).

What are the active ingredients in LeptiThinMax?
Is LeptiThinMax available in stores?

To offer you the absolute lowest price, LeptiThinMax is exclusively available online.

What information will appear on my credit card statement?

You will see a charge from BuyGoods Inc.

The LeptiThin Max Guarantee

Because we value your confidence in us, we provide a 100% satisfaction guarantee.If, for any reason, LeptiThin Max doesn’t meet the transformative results I’ve described, just reach out to our top-rated customer service team within 90 days, and we’ll return every penny of your purchase.

No questions asked. No hassle.

This contact information will also be available on the confirmation page, in your confirmation email, and inside every package you receive, so it’s always easy to find.

Contact LeptiThin Max Support